Monday, June 17, 2013

Margot Krikhaar Resources in English

As the readership of Margot Krikhaar's Awakening in Love is starting to grow, I wanted to bring together some notes on resources about her in English.

At the time that I started writing this post, Margot was in the terminal stages of breast cancer, and some of the articles, particularly the ones about physical death and the end of time, are really inspired by her process with this illness, and can be very helpful to anyone who is dealing with those challenges, as we all will at one time or another. Since then I've updated the information, because of the new website, and added the new "Letter to Margot."

I am also about to begin work on the translation of Margot's second book, The Great Liberation, which should see the light before the year is out. As I start working on this book, I will no doubt periodically be blogging about it here.

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